Consultation, Training and Technical Assistance
Whether your system or organization is just getting started with integrating recovery-oriented approaches or is well underway, pointed training and technical assistance can help teams in your system stay abreast of good practices, troubleshoot challenges, and acquire new skills. Achara Consulting is a veteran consulting firm that can provide the instrumental support your system needs to keep moving toward your vision.
Achara Consulting tailors training and technical assistance to meet each system’s unique needs. We offer a full complement of options, including webinars, onsite training, summits, conferences, conference calls, guidelines and other products, and more.
Who benefits from training and technical assistance?
- Clinicians
- Executive directors and other agency leaders
- Funders and other system administrators
- Peer Advisory Board Members
- Peer support staff
- Policymakers
- Recovery community organizations
- Supervisors
- Community and faith-based organizations
Areas of Expertise
Aligning treatment with a recovery-oriented approach
- Developing demonstration projects
- Enhancing assertive outreach and engagement strategies
- Conducting global assessments
- Facilitating person-centered treatment planning
- Promoting community integration
- Integrating continuing support services
- Creating individualized menus of supports
- Aligning policies and procedures
- Promoting service integration
- Facilitating care coordination
- Aligning medication assisted treatment with recovery-oriented approaches
Integrating Peer Support Services
- Offering a range of service delivery strategies across settings
- Integrating promising practices based on field experience and research
- Promoting effective supervision
- Measuring Impact
- Reviewing evaluation protocols
Promoting Peer Culture and Leadership
- Developing Peer Advisory Councils within Treatment Organizations
- Creating Storytelling Trainings to Activate the Recovery Community
- Promoting the development of peer-run organizations
- Engaging young people in recovery
Leadership Support and Development
- Strategy consultations
- Complex transformational change processes
- Readiness assessments and strategic planning
- Strategic communications
Community Engagement
- Developing community-based steering committees
- Facilitating focus groups
- Developing buy-in and consensus that leads to community action
- Conducting ROSC summits